American People Got Tired

This is an old devotional written in 2014.  Reading it now I see nothing much has changed.   Still lies, cheating, people pouring across our borders, and drugs flowing through.  It sounds like today for four years we did have a little reprieve, under President Trump!  No one is perfect, but at least he loved this country!  Something the current administration under the American Corporation does not do!

Hopefully and prayerfully we will now have what the country was meant to be a “REPUBLIC.”

Below is the original devotion.  Check the similarities!

Yes, you guessed it.  This past election told all.  The American People are tired of the deception and lies, coming from this present administration.  Now Let us hope that the Republican Party shows us we did the right thing!  It gets so tiresome day after day watching our country being handed over to other nations.  We are inviting millions of people into our overcrowded country.  Why don’t we teach these people to fish for themselves instead of giving them the fish?  Bringing people into our country, who have deadly diseases, hello I think something is majorly wrong with this picture. The borders are full of drugs and drug cartels, steaming in by the thousands.

We want gas to drive our cars, and continue to give money to Muslims, and other countries to get oil when we have enough fuel in this country that we can cut them off at the knees and be done with terrorism!  If we cut off their money supply they can’t terrorize us anymore, because they will not have the funds to do it. Hello, Am I the only person who wants to stamp out terror?

Let us stop killing millions of unborn babies, applauding gays and lesbians!  Let us get back to a decent generation of Americans who live rightly and care about our heritage!  Revamp the tax system and give us a break so people can make it.  I’d personally like to see a four-day workweek for everyone so people can have a life!

Can we put murderers in jail and stop corruption or are we going to continue to shut our eyes to it?  We also need a President in office that LOVES this country!  We are sending our reporters and Ambassadors in harm’s way and then ignoring their cries for help, while our leaders are having fundraising parties and playing golf every waking moment!  God help us!  We are leaving God out of the equation.  This country was founded on men who wanted the freedom to worship God as they wanted to.  The mother nation was telling people who and how to worship.  This is why we left and formed this country. Now it is coming down to us being told how, when, and where we can worship by our leaders.  NO! NO! NO! this should not be!

Yes, we got tired and it is time we take our country back!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company 2014

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