Monthly Archives: May 2020


Are you fearing, all these atrocities that our Supreme Court Justices have approved?  Our natural response is to fear these things happening, but God has the last word.  The Bible tells us that when we see these things happening we are to lift up our heads for OUR redemption draws near.  Be aware God is not mocked and whatsoever we sow that will we reap!  These are not surprises for the bible also tells us these things will happen.  This doesn’t take God by surprise…When Jesus appears to take His church home and then comes the judgment seat of God “EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW” in heaven and earth at the name of Jesus! 

All the homosexuals and the lesbians WILL Bow their knees to Jesus!  If your name is NOT found in the Lamb’s book of life, you WILL be thrown into everlasting judgment prepared for the devil and his angels.

Take a look at this link:  I implore you to think about this seriously and change your direction.

God does not want anyone to go to hell.  His word also tells us that He is long suffering not willing that any should perish, but that all should be saved.  This is why He hasn’t blown us off the face of the earth especially right now.  God loves the homosexual and the lesbian, but He HATES their SIN! 

To those that do good deeds and never do any of these above type sins, please listen to this.  It doesn’t matter how good you are or how many good deeds you do, you also WILL find yourself in hell for eternity, because the bible says, “Jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE and no one comes to the Father but through Him!”  Take it or leave it, it is your choice!  If you find yourself in hell, it is what you chose!

It is not to late give your life over to the Lord He is waiting to welcome you with open arms.  You must believe that Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Life.  That He died in your place.  Hope to see you in heaven!

By Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2015


Let me see he wasn’t around for Bengazi, Paris march, and drove right by VA hospital on his way to speak on a new initiative lowering federal mortgage insurance premiums.  Stopping in to visit the wounded soldiers who fought so he could have the right to be President was not important enough for him.

Obama made a speech after American photojournalist James Foley was beheaded in August by a member of the Islamic State, but on the day the heinous crime was committed, and he knew about it he chose to go golfing.

After the Malaysia Airlines jet went down over Ukraine, killing nearly 300 people, it didn’t stop the president from attending a fundraising event for the Democratic National Committee in New York that evening.  From there he launched into a 16-minute speech about transportation projects he wanted Republicans to fund, complaining bitterly about their objections to his end-runs around the federal legislature.

Nov 23 2013

The 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address occurred during the second term of our country’s first black president who was not even present for the monumental event. A moment in history that because he was the 1st black President would have held great significance, instead he chose to go to the Four Seasons Hotel to address The Wall Street Journal CEO Council’s annual meeting and talk about the economy.  It was this prior President who gave the black people their freedom.  What a slap in the face.

Natalie Heimel and her fiancé, Edward Mallue Jr., a pair of captains in the Army, received two letters from President Obama in less than 24 hours as they prepared for their wedding ceremony at Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course in Hawaii. The first, a nicely worded regretful but congratulatory RSVP to their wedding invite… and the second, as Bloomberg reports, informing them that their wedding would have to be moved since President Obama wanted to play golf there.

Check out this article from Keith Koffler: It’s D-Day and President Obama is hitting the beaches – of sunny California!

Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary of America’s brutal landing on the shores of Normandy, Obama was on his way to San Francisco, where he held two fundraisers before moving on to Beverly Hills to stage two more.

Obama failed to mark D-Day with either a speech or a written proclamation both last year and the year before. He did give a speech in 2009, the 65th anniversary of the event.

First Lady Michelle Obama, who has made much of her “Joining Forces” campaign to support military families, also had nothing planned for D-Day. She was in New York City for a fundraiser and then in Philadelphia to meet with campaign volunteers.

Obama’s failure to mark D-Day in any significant way is both a shame and a political mistake.

According to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, two critical swing states – Florida and Pennsylvania, are among the top five states in terms of veterans’ population. Within the top twelve are four others – Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina – all states Obama desperately needed to carry.

By Keith Koffler on June 6, 2012, 10:10 am

I could go on and on, but you can check these things out for yourself on the web.  Over and over again he has shown his disdain for people, soldiers, American history and much more.

This Politically, Socially and totally Un-American President should resign and give his office over to someone who is Patriotic, Unswerving and Devotionally American!

By Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2015


Do you remember one of the last scenes in “The Wizard of Oz”?  Dorothy and Toto were being held hostage by the wicked witch, who was demonstrating her powers. Throughout the whole movie, she was terrifying Dorothy and her friends.   Dorothy’s friends came to rescue her from the wicked witch. 

The wicked witch had these ugly, demon-looking creatures and these soldiers that were doing her bidding.  Dorothy and her friends were about to escape when the wicked witch stepped in.  The witch tried to set the scarecrow on fire and Dorothy threw a bucket of water on him.  It also hit the witch and she began to melt.  Dorothy and her friends were not sure what these creatures and the soldiers would do to them.  There was a pause and the creatures and soldiers began to clap their hands together rejoiced that the wicked witch was dead. 

I believe this is what we Americans, Congress, and the military should physically do by taking this wicked administration out and give them a dose of their own medicine, (use your imagination on this) No one would be scared of our freedoms, guns, heads or bodies being taken away from us!  We would all be clapping and dancing in the streets.

When I woke up this morning I visualized all of this and Rudy Giuliani being the hero that Dorothy was!  I then thought of little David the Shepherd boy.  All the soldiers were rubbing their hands together wondering what to do and were terrified of this giant Goliath.  David had faith that his God would protect him.  He went right out to meet the giant and the giant was mocking him.  David threw a stone with his slingshot and boom right between the eyes he hit him and down went the huge giant.

This is the way I feel about what is going on in our country today.  Give us a Dorothy and a David.  I am very grateful for all the branches of military service past and present, but give us a brave leader a hero to lead our military to overthrow this evil regime!

By Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2015