
Can We Get Them Back


What happened to the days when people spent a lot of time outside with neighbors?  They visited each other often.  Swung on porch swings and talked while children rode their bikes, caught lightning bugs, played hopscotch, had races, played kickball, and other sports.

It used to be that we left our doors unlocked. Children played outside until dark without any worries of them being kidnapped. We could vote for a candidate and know they were NOT tied to terrorists. They were pretty much above board.

Now we have Presidents who are murderers, liars, adulterers, lovers of evil.  We don’t know if we can even be protected from them.  It is like now everyone wants the renegade brigade running the country so they can continue in their sins without consequences.

People can’t even see evil right in their faces getting ready to bite them. They are so consumed with themselves just like the ones they vote for.  As long as they sound good and say whatever you want to hear…well then it is just fine.

The Bible is so clear when it says in Proverbs 28:28 “When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive.”

Proverbs 29:2 “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice.  But when the wicked are in power, they groan.”

Wickedness prevails when even Christians fall into wickedness. I Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and seek my face, and TURN FROM their wicked ways then will I hear from Heaven and heal their land”   This kind of reminds me of Jonah who ran as fast as he could to keep from Going to Nineveh.  He thought these people were too wicked I do not want to waste my time with them. So he jumped on a ship bound for the opposite direction.  The ship was caught in a terrible storm and the whole crew knew something wasn’t right.  When they threw Jonah overboard it got calm.

People give up too easily and think well things can’t change, but things can change we have to let it change by cleaning up our messes and getting on board God’s ship and we WILL begin to see miracles and hope WILL spring forth!

I fear for the people who trust a man who has clearly lied. They think things are good and why, when thousands upon thousands of people are out of work.  Gas prices have gone to great heights. Big Government is NOT what we need.  We the people need to control the government.  It is like the frog you put in hot water and slowly you turn up the burner higher and higher and the frog fries to death and never even notices it is happening!

We are being lied to daily.  There are enough reserves here in our own country under our own feet to never need any more oil from the Middle East, but our President is a friend and a supporter of the Middle East and he wants to slow boil us just like the frog!  The next four years will progressively get worse until we have a complete dictatorship on our hands.

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company 2009

I am Terry Board and I approve this message!

American People Got Tired

This is an old devotional written in 2014.  Reading it now I see nothing much has changed.   Still lies, cheating, people pouring across our borders, and drugs flowing through.  It sounds like today for four years we did have a little reprieve, under President Trump!  No one is perfect, but at least he loved this country!  Something the current administration under the American Corporation does not do!

Hopefully and prayerfully we will now have what the country was meant to be a “REPUBLIC.”

Below is the original devotion.  Check the similarities!

Yes, you guessed it.  This past election told all.  The American People are tired of the deception and lies, coming from this present administration.  Now Let us hope that the Republican Party shows us we did the right thing!  It gets so tiresome day after day watching our country being handed over to other nations.  We are inviting millions of people into our overcrowded country.  Why don’t we teach these people to fish for themselves instead of giving them the fish?  Bringing people into our country, who have deadly diseases, hello I think something is majorly wrong with this picture. The borders are full of drugs and drug cartels, steaming in by the thousands.

We want gas to drive our cars, and continue to give money to Muslims, and other countries to get oil when we have enough fuel in this country that we can cut them off at the knees and be done with terrorism!  If we cut off their money supply they can’t terrorize us anymore, because they will not have the funds to do it. Hello, Am I the only person who wants to stamp out terror?

Let us stop killing millions of unborn babies, applauding gays and lesbians!  Let us get back to a decent generation of Americans who live rightly and care about our heritage!  Revamp the tax system and give us a break so people can make it.  I’d personally like to see a four-day workweek for everyone so people can have a life!

Can we put murderers in jail and stop corruption or are we going to continue to shut our eyes to it?  We also need a President in office that LOVES this country!  We are sending our reporters and Ambassadors in harm’s way and then ignoring their cries for help, while our leaders are having fundraising parties and playing golf every waking moment!  God help us!  We are leaving God out of the equation.  This country was founded on men who wanted the freedom to worship God as they wanted to.  The mother nation was telling people who and how to worship.  This is why we left and formed this country. Now it is coming down to us being told how, when, and where we can worship by our leaders.  NO! NO! NO! this should not be!

Yes, we got tired and it is time we take our country back!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company 2014

Drag Queen Mafia


Is this what you want for your children? Of course you don’t! If you keep them in public school you don’t have much of a choice. Get them out and send them to a private school or homeschool. If you can’t do that get involved at their school and get a group of like minded parents to fight with you. Get petitions and take them to the Board of Education.

Do You Want to Help Change America

In case you didn’t know there is an organization called the “Convention of States” that is trying to stop the big government from overreaching into our everyday lives! We are trying to get our legislators to call a convention to do (3) things: 1) Put government on fiscal responsibility to not overspend and to give fiscal spending over to the people as to whether we want millions or billions of dollars spent on anything. 2) Stop government overreach period! 3) Term limits on legislators in congress.

You can play a big part in doing this by signing our petition that we will hand over to our state legislators to call this convention. Once done we can ratify the constitution with these (3) amendments. If you live in North Carolina you can click the link below to sign:


This shouldn’t be surprising as he has attempted to do this several times before. He increased the government’s revenues by TAXING SOCIAL SECURITY — a draconian move that punished American retirees who were no longer of working age.

In 2010, he VOTED AGAINST ABOLISHING DEATH TAXES, punishing Americans receiving legacy inheritance following the death of a loved one.

But what Biden is attempting to do now is at a scale that’s unprecedented.

The media may be reporting extensively on inflation, but what they are not telling you is that…

The Federal Reserve and the Biden Administration’s missteps toward stoking the current inflationary crisis may be followed by THE GREATEST WEALTH CONFISCATION SCHEME IN AMERICAN HISTORY.

And as long as the media continues omitting this proposal that smacks of blatant government overreach, the operation remains covert.
Here’s how Biden plans to do it: Suppose you’ve saved up to $500,000 in your retirement. By the time Biden finishes his term, your retirement will have been reduced to at least $400,000, thanks to his pro-inflationary policies. This is why inflation is called the “hidden tax.”It’s why former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan considers inflation tantamount to WEALTH CONFISCATION, albeit by covert means.

This my friends are why we need the three amendments placed into our Constitution! If you haven’t signed already scroll back up and click that link. If you are not in North Carolina but would like to sign go to the Convention of States website find your state and sign. We need 34 states to call the convention and we have 19 so far. Help your state by signing.

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company 2022

This is what happened that day. The beating of innocent patriots. The killing of Ashley Babbit. America needs to hear the whole truth!

What Really Happened on the Hill

Listen to the truth from those that were there!

January 6th

January 6th never happened the way the liberal media is saying it did!

What Happened to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?

What Happened to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Yes, truly what happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave? The government has been taking away our freedoms for quite some time now. Especially this current President. Taking away our firearms, telling us which health care we can have, listening in to our cell phone conversations, and much more. I for one, am getting sick and tired of it! How about you? Stripping away our rights to worship as we wish unless it agrees with his choice. Telling Chaplains how they can minister to the armed forces. Telling people they can’t say “Have a blessed day.” Can’t say, “Merry Christmas or display crosses or anything that represents Christ. Outlawing the good and praising the evil. America is not America anymore! Telling people they can’t say “Hope you have a blessed day!” For goodness sake end this debacle of administration! Adhering to Islamic practices, but the BIBLE is offensive! It is not just the administration in Washington, but we the people who want to do our own thing and forget GOD! Thank God for the remnant of people who still pray and honor God it is the only that has kept America from blowing up and washing away! I am concerned that soon even God will have had enough! Maybe a good civil war against evil would not be a bad idea. I’m sure I will get some hate mail from that statement. I want to see America get back to what it was founded for. To be allowed to honor God and worship Him whole heartedly! Some decency in our media, and not promote filth! I am writing my Senator and Congressmen and women and sending them a copy of this article. Anyone else have backbone to write theirs? Let’s take America back! Here is the way I see it now: We are The Land of the bound and home of the chickens!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing 2014


If you are a subscriber to my website or just visiting I have so much to share.  I can hardly keep it all together.  I don’t have to tell you what a mess our country is in, but I will give you some highlights.  Underground cities and transportation hubs are everywhere.  Children and women are being trafficked and the ones that were lucky enough to escape are spilling the beans.  Yes, it is true there are tribunal hearings going on.  Many very high-level names have been dropped by these women.  This is not small-time it is worldwide.  Hollywood stars, Mega Church’s that shocked me at the name of some who are involved!  There are many, many political figures.  They are torturing women and children and raping them over and over swapping them out to others.

They have an agenda to wipe us out!  They are buying up land and saying things like; “You will own nothing and you will like it.”  That Georgia guide stones were commandments by the masonic order on their agenda to be played out by the deep state and the dark side destroyed them so that we wouldn’t know their plans.

They are lying and covering up the stolen vote!  Many states are now agreeing.  Wake up America!  Join the good guys in taking back our country! has names.  Dinesh D’Souza has all the proof and if you haven’t seen “Two Thousand Mules” you need to.  Some of the people that were investigated for harvesting phony ballots are now confessing.

The convention of States is working hard to bring about a change by using Article V of our constitution.  There are three main actions that they are bringing forward.

  1. Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government.
  2. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
  3. Limit terms of office for government officials and for members of congress.

In order for the Convention of States to bring this about they need to have 34 States sign on and agree to the same terms.  This will go before congress and a convention will vote on these amendments to the Constitution.  We must have 38 states to be able to ratify the Constitution to put these laws into action.  We need volunteers to get petitions signed and to do other work to make this happen.

You can go to and sign up or at least sign the petition.  This will show them that you want to make decisions for yourself and not have some government bureaucracy do it for you.  

There are (7) huge names that are controlling what goes on in our country.  They want you to be one of their slaves!  DON’T LET THEM DO IT!  Stand up and get your country back!  I could go on for hours and tell you many things that are so shocking you really don’t want to even repeat them.  It is sickening not to mention having nightmares about it.  When I was in Washington and walking down the street I saw above all the massive buildings huge monsters with arms that looked like an octopus and snarling large fangs sweeping across each building as I passed them.  I hesitated for a long time not to tell anyone what I saw because I was afraid they would think I was crazy!  God showed me these visions and he told me that was what is in Washington and is controlling things. 

We are in a spiritual battle.  The bible tells us “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rulers and powers in high places.”  Whenever you or a country opens up just a small amount to the devil he comes in like a flood.  We can’t entertain, not even an ounce to the devil.  Now is the time to repent and turn back to God and let him change things!  Get involved please for God’s sake and help to make your country a better place to be.  We renounce communism and socialist ideology!  We are a capitalist country and we want to stay that way!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company July 2022

Common Sense Out the Window

Common Sense out the Window

I am so surprised when I hear the solutions by professionals, Physiologists, Scientists, Pastors, Historians, Christian News Reporters, and more when they give solutions to what is going on in our world.  I can only shake my head because it is all about common sense. 

As I was boarding a plane the other day I almost laughed out loud when I thought about a year ago we had to stand 6 feet apart and then board a plane where you are sitting right against each other and in close quarters for hours.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to tell you how stupid that was!

Oh and get this another ridiculous and hilarious thing that people did.  You get your mask on go inside the restaurant and all these people touching the hand sanitizer bottle.  Well, you just undid everything you just did in putting on the mask.

Sit down at the table and take the mask off to eatI want to scream you can’t catch it while you are eating, but just when you walk around.  For goodness sake, you are still breathing the same air you walked into!

Going into a fast food restaurant where people go to the bathroom and come out without washing their hands and touching over and over that screen.  One person did a study on the germs on the screen and found out there was salmonella on the screen, or not washing hands and then touching the door knob going out!  There were even hilarious videos about the (probably not a word) stupidness of it!

There were people in their own cars, with no one with them, wearing a mask, and some still are.  OMG!  Why can’t people see how idiotic it is?  Talking about brainwashing!  Then people walk down the street with no one around for miles wearing the stupid mask. 

Saying they’re not sure what a woman is or a man.  Saying there are no genders. Oh, and guess what after 4,000 years a man can now have a baby.

Why should doctors have to go to court to explain the craziness of it all, with just a simple solution?  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.  How did the world get so gullible?

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company June 2022