If you are a subscriber to my website or just visiting I have so much to share.  I can hardly keep it all together.  I don’t have to tell you what a mess our country is in, but I will give you some highlights.  Underground cities and transportation hubs are everywhere.  Children and women are being trafficked and the ones that were lucky enough to escape are spilling the beans.  Yes, it is true there are tribunal hearings going on.  Many very high-level names have been dropped by these women.  This is not small-time it is worldwide.  Hollywood stars, Mega Church’s that shocked me at the name of some who are involved!  There are many, many political figures.  They are torturing women and children and raping them over and over swapping them out to others.

They have an agenda to wipe us out!  They are buying up land and saying things like; “You will own nothing and you will like it.”  That Georgia guide stones were commandments by the masonic order on their agenda to be played out by the deep state and the dark side destroyed them so that we wouldn’t know their plans.

They are lying and covering up the stolen vote!  Many states are now agreeing.  Wake up America!  Join the good guys in taking back our country! has names.  Dinesh D’Souza has all the proof and if you haven’t seen “Two Thousand Mules” you need to.  Some of the people that were investigated for harvesting phony ballots are now confessing.

The convention of States is working hard to bring about a change by using Article V of our constitution.  There are three main actions that they are bringing forward.

  1. Impose fiscal restraints on the federal government.
  2. Limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.
  3. Limit terms of office for government officials and for members of congress.

In order for the Convention of States to bring this about they need to have 34 States sign on and agree to the same terms.  This will go before congress and a convention will vote on these amendments to the Constitution.  We must have 38 states to be able to ratify the Constitution to put these laws into action.  We need volunteers to get petitions signed and to do other work to make this happen.

You can go to and sign up or at least sign the petition.  This will show them that you want to make decisions for yourself and not have some government bureaucracy do it for you.  

There are (7) huge names that are controlling what goes on in our country.  They want you to be one of their slaves!  DON’T LET THEM DO IT!  Stand up and get your country back!  I could go on for hours and tell you many things that are so shocking you really don’t want to even repeat them.  It is sickening not to mention having nightmares about it.  When I was in Washington and walking down the street I saw above all the massive buildings huge monsters with arms that looked like an octopus and snarling large fangs sweeping across each building as I passed them.  I hesitated for a long time not to tell anyone what I saw because I was afraid they would think I was crazy!  God showed me these visions and he told me that was what is in Washington and is controlling things. 

We are in a spiritual battle.  The bible tells us “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against rulers and powers in high places.”  Whenever you or a country opens up just a small amount to the devil he comes in like a flood.  We can’t entertain, not even an ounce to the devil.  Now is the time to repent and turn back to God and let him change things!  Get involved please for God’s sake and help to make your country a better place to be.  We renounce communism and socialist ideology!  We are a capitalist country and we want to stay that way!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company July 2022

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