Monthly Archives: September 2024

Who’s Running America

By Stand Up America USA Foundation

Much of the information given in this article is from Greg Stenstrom, The Intelligencer, July 20, 2024,  We recognize his many hours of work to put this information together.

The Stand Up America US Foundation intelligence team has been deep-diving into “who is really running the US government.” The team in charge operates behind closed doors at the White House. Obama is the in-place leader who controls and directs operations daily.  Like Spectre in a James Bond movie, the cabal controls much of the country and the world.  They (coordinated by Susan Rice) are responsible for creating Biden’ and Harris’ daily schedule, daily talking points, and policy statements. Also, it is closely tied to the communist Democrat Party  to provide “Talking Points of the Day” and confidential talking points to the media and Wall Street supporters.

For three weeks, the United States of America, the supposed sole remaining global superpower, has operated in a bizarre state of suspended animation. Indeed, the world has continued spinning (out of control, I might add). However, few seem to be interested in President Biden’s effective expulsion from the reelection race by his fellow Democrat Party elites. Since then, he has been kept mostly out of the public spotlight. Meanwhile, his vice president, Kamala Harris, who has succeeded him as the presumptive Democrat Party presidential candidate, is anywhere but in Washington.

“The Council” (Deep State) and everything that stems from it have been in control of the United States for the past fifty years, with the sole purpose of siphoning our nation’s wealth. Our founders designed our constitutional government and the federal workforce to protect our wealth and the ‘public good’ of the American people. However, the Council’s mission is to crush and obliterate it.

They employ the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false pretenses of law. They alone decide who will be the victors and the vanquished in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, and education, and they do so with complete amorality.
Exposing this dark organization by name, their corruption, and their means of control, as well as identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power, is the first step in restoring the United States of America as a constitutional republic. 

We have now been able to identify these team members by name.
You would think the President of the United States would be at its head, but remember, presidents come and go.  Only a few presidents have had a significant impact on the operation.

The Council;

Michael Horowitz

FBI Director Christopher Wray

Attorney General Merrick Garland

Jeffrey Ragsdale (Office of Professional Responsibility)

Corey Amundson (DOJ)

Lisa Monaco (Deputy US Attorney)

Marshall Miller

Every government agency and branch, with the exception of the US Supreme Court, is under the influence of the Council, an “untouchable,” legislatively codified sui generis organization.  

From their perspective, they own the United States of America. It is “theirs,” and “they” are its self-appointed stewards. They view anyone who is not “theirs” as either a “useful idiot,” a “useful innocent,” or a piece of human chattel that they can discard into necro (death)-politics. They view the rest of us as expendable “carbon units,” assigning positive and negative values based on our relative usefulness to them. This is their language.

The Council Emeritus:

William Barr (former Attorney General)

Jeffrey Rosen (former US Attorney General)

Andrew McCabe (traitor and former FBI director)

Robert Mueller (former FBI director)

James Comey (former FBI director)

Eric Holder (former AG)

Susan Rice

Their construct of reality is more akin to the way a corporate industrial farm executive, in suit and tie, looks upon the stewardship of livestock, or how most humans think of ants. If something is harvestable and profitable, that respective “carbon unit” has a positive value. If something has a negative value, it is of no consequence starved or butchered.

To simplify this construct, a “war” between “good” and “evil” is correct. “The Council” does not operate in the sense of morality and spiritualism.

Unmasking the “Council’s” operations and deceptions will reveal that, from their perspective, there is no “heaven,” “hell,” or divine accountability. “This” is it. “This” is all there is. There is nothing beyond our earthly dimension of concern for them, any more than there might be for a lizard.

Do not trouble yourself yet with the “why” and pathology. When someone treats you like livestock, it is first necessary for your immediate survival to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (“OODA”). Unless you prefer to be a well-behaved, sheered sheep on your way to the slaughterhouse.

For this treatise and exposé, it is sufficient that these arch-nemeses of the Constitution have names and faces. The first phase in the deconstruction of “The Council” is exposing its key players and how they operate.

root cause analysis of the reasons for “why things are the way they are” in the United States of America is that the subject (root) and the ultimate goal of these self-entitled “stewards” is maintaining “state capture and finishing the job” of self-serving objectives for an elite class, euphemized as “progressive social reconstruction,” to ensure their harvest and wealth extraction machine remains uninterrupted.

The proposition of this treatise, hypothesis, and exposé is that “The Council,” otherwise known as the “CIGIE,” controls the United States of America. While the CIGIE proper and its Political Arm, Infiltrator Arm, Business Arm, Propaganda Arm, and Entertainment Arm will first ignore this premise. When it takes hold with its target audiences, it cannot get around a basic “litmus test” for nearly every ailment in our nation.

In the future, pick any person, event, issue, indictment, investigation, or incident that has created turmoil in the United States of America.

Whether a Person of Interest (POI) is a politician, federal judge, senior public official, or even a “ally” or “enemy” of President Trump (as one example), the hand of “The Council” will ultimately surface through even the most basic Internet sleuthing and the “behavioral control” and shaping of Google and emerging artificial intelligence search engines.

All roads lead back to “The Council,” its arms (tentacles), and those they control through threats of investigation, indictment, and prosecution, or conversely, the obstruction of investigations.

The “forcing function” is the threat or obstruction of investigation by “The Council.”

One corollary variant to this “litmus test” contradicts the basic assumption that “The Council” relies on competent and capable people. While this is most often true for critical path items and issues that cannot be mismanaged, one of the objectives of maintaining “state capture” is to instill an emotion of despair and futility in government. To achieve this, “The Council” delights in installing inept, foolish, and clownish government officials to frustrate the citizenry.  And the Biden administration has plenty.

The Political Arm of The Council

Joe Biden (possibly removed)
Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro)

Senator Chuck (cheese) Schumer

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi

Senator Mitch McConnell

Congressman Jerry Nadler

Congressman Jamie Raskin

Hillary Clinton

The Intelligence Arm of the Council

John Brennan (former CIA Director)

General James Clapper (former Dir. National Intelligence)

Leon Panetta (former CIA/DOD Chief)

General Mike Hayden (CIA)

The Business Arm of The Council
Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg
George & Eric Soros
Michael Bloomberg
Tom Steyer

The Propaganda Arm of The Council
Norm Eisen (Special Counsel)
Jay Carney (WH Press Secretary)
Jen Psaki (WH Press Secretary)
Karine Jean-Pierre (WH Press Secretary)

The Entertainment Arm of The Council
Oprah Winfrey
Harvey Weinstein
Rachel Maddow
The View

“The Council” and its minions have shown they intend to steal the upcoming November 2024 elections. Elections are only one facet and one of their many objectives, just as identifying and selecting the “leaders” of the herd is one of the tasks of farm management for them.

However, our elections and our primitive drive for self-actualization and self-governance are the biggest threat to them and among “The Council’s” most significant vulnerabilities. To those who presume to protest against their operations, January 6th was ‘designed’ by The Council as a threat to citizens to prevent future protests.  

The greatest enigma and threats they face are “outsiders” who have not grasped the fact that “The Council” effectively controls the United States of America and the world.

Addle-brained Joe Biden unwittingly but concisely communicated that memo in his 2020 statement that his team had created “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Biden campaign aides for months have bragged they have a superior ground operation across the country, but especially in the six to eight battleground states that likely will decide the election. On the call with donors Monday, Biden reminded them he has an infrastructure already in place.

Whether this is predictable political bravado that runs desperately against polls and facts or prescient forewarning, the mechanisms for massive election fraud and another stolen election in 2024 have been well-honed in key swing states and targeted pivot counties developed over the past four years.

The four essential components needed to carry out election fraud in the November 2024 presidential election are:

1. Violating federal and state election laws to introduce compromised electronic election machines and software.

2. Violating federal and state election laws to insert millions of fraudulent “no excuse” mail-in ballots of unqualified electors (voters) into election tabulations.

3. Violating federal and state election laws to use “centralized counting centers” to cover up and obfuscate massive election fraud.

4. Continuing to use lawfare, censorship, and media smearing to suppress anyone who might challenge massive election fraud.
The fix is in. At least that is what they believe.  However, the situation is far from over. There are hundreds of millions of noble American patriots who will take a stand against corruption. Remember, it is easier to avoid propaganda, than to resist it.  Turn off mainstream media and turn on independent media and honest journalists.
Yes, they intend to destroy the greatest whistleblower in US history, Donald J. Trump, but Trump’s MAGA war council, as well as every red-blooded American, must be prepared for battle, secure the 2024 election, and prevail to save our Country and our Constitution.