Audio Books by Terry

When you click the links you will be able to hear a sample. You can order from Audible or from me at

“The Wolf The Watcher and The Oryx.”
This audiobook is a must for your young children. I recorded this children’s book written by Joan Walsh with many voices of the characters in the book. For more about this audiobook click this link:

I am very sad to report that the rights holder of the above audiobook has stopped this audiobook. Write me and I can send you a small snippet.

“Kindle, How To write, Sell and Market Books”
This audiobook I recorded will teach you most of the ins and outs of writing, publishing, and selling your books.
Written by Conrad Jones and narrated by Terry Bo
“Endometriosis Diet” written by Barbara Williams and Narrated by Terry Board will give you many helpful hints for tackling this horrid and painful syndrome.