Terry Board

I am Terry Board author, narrator, voice over artist, actor. I also make home decorations.

Grow Up

Here again is another controversial issue, American Renaissance and the NAACP.  In Charlotte, a NC a hotel canceled the group American Renaissance, because of the protection of their customers.  This Supremacy group is screaming that their constitutional rights have been violated.  This comes at a time when there have been many frightening protest. Mr. Taylor has one statement I will have to agree with “You can imagine the outcry if two white city councilman had attempted to squelch a meeting of the NAACP.”  Oh in my opinion this would have screamed discrimination all the way across the country.  And when the NAACP got wind of the schools taking Martin Luther King Day as a snow day they went bonkers.  Mr. Randolph (President) said we here in Charlotte were “A Racial Bastian”

It seems to me both groups are full of hate!  I will have to say in defense of the white folks and it is not because I am one; You African Americans have a whole month in February devoted to Black History Month.  Have we stopped that?  There is no whole month dedicated to White History Month.  Nor is there one dedicated to the American Indian, who was here before any of you!  I believe the Indians should have more rights than you all!

Again this is a blog and I do have a right to my opinion.  If you do not agree that is your right.  But I do think we all need to step back and take a look at human beings in general.  Don’t we all hold the right to a peaceful society?  Let’s grow up and work on that one!

By Terry Board

©Burnett Publishing 2011

works cited: Charlotte Observer

What Does Christmas Really Mean

What does Christmas really mean to you?  Is it all gifts and hype about Santa?  Is it melancholy, sentimental times?  Is it the birth of a baby 2000 years ago?  Each person has as many varied ideas of what it is as they do about any other subject.  It is an individual preference.  However, for those of you who have heard the Christmas story here in this country for 100’s of years, let’s recap.  The Bible teaches and scholars who lived back in the day of Jesus will tell you this is what happened.

The world was chaos and the Roman world wanted to be the main source of power.  They came into a small country called Jerusalem.   There lived a people that God called his chosen ones.  Now depending on your belief and the god you believe in will determine how much of this you want to believe.  Men, had proven over and over from the beginning of time that he just couldn’t get it right.  So God had a plan that was perfect.  He would make himself into a human being and live here among us for a time, but the whole time the plan was for Him to die for the sins and mistakes of the entire world.  There was one catch to this plan.  Man, had to believe He did it.  Did what you say, ” Came and lived here, taught, healed, raised people from the dead, did many miracles; such as; feeding 5,000 men not counting their wives and children with a little boy’s two fish and five loaves of bread.  He then was crucified, killed buried, and rose from the dead, and went back to heaven, where he sets on the right hand of the Father (God) ever interceding and pleading our case.

He was the Christ, Son of the living God.  Emmanuel (God with us) He was a tiny babe born of a virgin.  His name is JESUS!

This is what it truly means, but you must be the judge of whether you believe or not!  You are accountable for your own belief.  What a God!  That He would leave the ultimate choice up to us!  He does not dictate nor force us.  Can we say that about our own government or any other person in authority over us?  Scripture says when Jesus was born that the government would be on His shoulders… and it is!

by Terry Board

(c) Burnett Publishing Company 2011

Corruption Everywhere

From the banking industry to the Presidency corruption is rampant. It doesn’t seem to even matter if the corruption is exposed, because these Powerful organizations control everything.

Most common people who end up finding out about these people of power end up dead.  Unless you are among the elite group you do not have a chance.

If you have access to the internet and can get on You Tube you can see what is truly going on right under our noses.  You have an Ex-Governor who was also a Navy Seal going around the country exposing everything.  Just do a little research and see what you and I are allowing to go on.  No one seems to be powerful enough to stop it.

The President does not rule the country alone.  We have the judicial branch of government, the legislative branch of government and the executive branch of government.   The constitution keeps one branch from having more power than the others.  Under these past few administrations they seem to have changed the rules & let the judicial make the laws.  This was not so in the beginning or still should not be.

The job of the legislative branch is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives.  They are to make the laws and vote on whether a bill should be passed as a law.  This is why it is so important that the American people search out what these bills say in totality. They approve whether someone should be a judge.  They pass the budget.  They alone have the power to make declarations of war.  However, since Nixon secretly bombed Cambodia it is now up to the President and The Legislative Branch to declare war. These are written in the constitution.   This in article I of the constitution.

The job of the judicial branch is to interpret laws and punish lawbreakers, NOT make the laws!  This in article III.  I wonder why some of these great men in power who have murdered people not been sentenced?

The job of the executive branch is comprised of the President and his cabinet of who appoints.  This is in article II.  Some have been dangerously chosen.  His job is to appoint judges, make state of the union addresses, sends bills to congress.  He also commands armed forces (scary) meets with leaders of other nations. (This President meets with his Muslim friends.) Carries out and enforces laws.  (Quaking in my boots)   The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.  Gee does that mean crimes of murder?  He really does not have as much to do with running the country as people think.  Here are few other tidbits of information from the constitution: The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.   Hmmmm has this been happening during our elections?  No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Last scary thing to mention in this blog is there are several camps set up with fences like concentration camps all around the United States.  Coffins by this 1,000’s have been exposed and then moved before they could get back to take pictures of them.  Planes are dropping things in the air to make us sick.  These elite groups of people of power are getting ready to wipe us out and put us all in concentration camps.  Just so happens these camps are set up near railroads.  Does this sound familiar to Hitler?

No I am not a nut and if you do your homework you will find that out.  Yes in doing research you will find corruption to be everywhere.

By Terry Board

Burnett Publishing © 2011

Credit Checks for Jobs

Today there is a very controversial matter which many job seekers are complaining about.  The right to apply for a job without being asked for a check of their credit in order to get the job they are applying for.  This has become a real catch twenty two.  If you have lost your job and are having trouble for months or years getting one and your credit is getting in the red, how will you ever have an opportunity to pay it back if you do not have a job?  People are being turned down for jobs because of their credit.  This seems to me that this  is unconstitutional, because a person should have a right to be able to get a job regardless of their credit history.  Side note you cannot discriminate if you OWN YOUR OWN PROPERTY when wanting to rent to or sell it.  If people had a job they could begin to work towards correcting their credit.  Why can’t they look back at when the person had a job and they had a good credit history?

Next totally unacceptable problem with this is every time you check your credit or someone else checks it your score goes down.  THIS ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT BE!    HELP leaders of our country protect your citizens against such unfair tactics!  You want  to write a bill  that SHOULD  get passed here is one!

By Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2011

Are We Ready

Are you ready for this, people?  Is this what we want?  What are you going to do about it?

Brace yourselves and you really need to be SURE you are right with GOD (El) Hebrew for God, Almighty, The Strong One, and The Mighty Almighty Conquering One!  Jesus told us in John 14:6, “I am THE way THE truth & THE life NO one can come to the Father but through me.”  So if you don’t know Him, you will find yourself in the same place the rich man ended up.  Bible says he died and lifted up his eyes being in torment.  Read the account for yourself in Luke 16:19 – 30.  Time is running out make things right before it is too late.

This is what the bible predicts will happen in the last days.  It’s called the Anti-Christ.  I am shocked that I would live to see someone (a leader supposedly) say these following statements.

Excerpts from a speech made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

“Conducive ground must be prepared to ensure collective participation and involvement of nations in an effort to promote lasting peace and security.

Shared and collective management of the world must be achieved in its true sense, and based on the underlying principles enshrined in the international law. Justice must serve as the criterion and the basis for all international decisions and actions.

All of us should acknowledge the fact that there is no other way than the shared and collective management of the world in order to put an end to the present disorders, tyranny, and discrimination’s worldwide.
Dear Colleagues and Friends;

Shared and collective management of the world is the legitimate right of all nations, and we as their representatives, have an obligation to defend their rights. Although some powers continuously try to frustrate all international efforts aimed at promoting collective cooperation, we must, however, strengthen our belief in achieving the perceived goal of establishing a shared and collective cooperation to run the world.

The United Nations was created to make effective participation of all nations in international decision-making processes, possible. We all know that this goal has not yet been fulfilled because of the absence of justice in the current management structures and mechanisms of the UN.

The composition of the Security Council is unjust and inequitable. Therefore, changes including the restructuring of the United Nations are considered the basic demands of the nations that must be addressed by the General Assembly.

During last year session, I emphasized the importance of this issue and called for the designation of the current decade as the decade of shared and collective Global Management.

I would like to reiterate again my proposal. I am sure that through international cooperation, diligence and efforts by committed world leaders and governments and through insisting on the realization of justice and the support of all other nations, we can expedite the building of a common bright future.

This movement is certainly on its rightful path of creation, ensuring a promising future for humanity. A future that will be built when humanity initiates to trend the path of the divine prophets and the righteous under the leadership of Imam al-Mahdi, the Ultimate Savior of mankind and the inheritor to all divine messengers and leaders and to the pure generation of our great Prophet.

The creation of a supreme and ideal society with the arrival of a perfect human being who is a true and sincere lover of all human beings, is the guaranteed promise of Allah.

He will come alongside with Jesus Christ to lead the freedom and justice lovers to eradicate tyranny and discrimination, and promote knowledge, peace, justice freedom and love across the world. He will present to every single individual all the beauties of the world and all good things which bring happiness for humankind.”

Pardon me but I for one am not ready for this!  Are you?

Work Cited:

Taken from: United Nations

Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2011

A Crying Shame

How can a leader look at the American hard worker, who has been the backbone of how they are getting their money, say let’s take the money from grandma?  Congress takes something that should be simple and makes it into something incredibly difficult, by trying to make sure all the big shots in Washington and the leaders get to keep their large incomes. 

You look at the budget and instead of paying for things in the pentagon, take it away and give it back to the front lines soldier!  Stop buying from other countries and start making things here.  Make it easy for inventors to invent here!  Help the farmers grow crops, take the money spent in buying from other countries and give it to the farmer.  It used to work for us.  Teach girls to sew in school again and don’t buy from China where children are working in slave labor.  Let’s make our own clothes here.  Help some small business woman start clothing chains here.  Let’s sell our goods to other countries!

What about the American Philanthropist?  Some of you say you want to help.  Then help us here.  Don’t make it so hard to get help from you.  Put the money back into our country not stash your money in banks in another country.  You are rich enough to stop the banking industry from being in control.  Take back your power from the banks. 

There is spending going on that doesn’t need to be in government.  We need to shrink the government spending.  Why should one group in our nation get the royal treatment?  Why should we pay a leader for the rest of their lives and give them benefits when the little people are still striving to make ends meet so that they can benefit and then turn around and slap the American workers on the hand and take away their social security?

There is according to several leaders 2.6 trillion dollars set aside in a separate fund for social security and for the military.  Stop inviting people from other countries over here to visit the President and spending lots to entertain them. 

If the American family has to try to live on a budget, then the government should.  Maybe we should go back and study the 50’s and what was going right that we were better off.  

We wouldn’t have an America if the senior citizens hadn’t worked all the years they did! Let’s not be ashamed but get back to being proud of our country!

By Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2011

Greasy Palm Sets The Stage

I’ll begin my blog today from this excerpt from an article from Fox News. 

Obama Administration Is Pressured by GOP, Unions to Expedite Controversial Pipeline Project 

We believe that the benefits of this pipeline are too many to be allowing it to be derailed by environmental extremists. The Keystone XL will create good-paying jobs here in the U.S. and Canada,” says Brent Booker of the Laborers International Union.

And Bruce Burton of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers adds, “The Keystone XL pipeline is shovel-ready. As soon as a presidential permit is granted, jobs will be created — jobs that our members desperately need.”

The unions argue the pipeline would create 20,000 direct jobs and 115,000 indirect jobs from suppliers and the like.

Republicans argue the administration ducked a final decision because it wanted to avoid angering part of the president’s political base.

“Which sector is the president going to mess over by making a decision?” asks John Shimkus, R-Ill. “Is he going to blow off his supporters in organized labor or is he going to blow off his friends in the environmental left after the election? Does anyone have any idea? He’s got to do one, right?”

House Republicans will push legislation taking the final decision away from the president and the State Department, once Nebraska decides a route of its choosing. The House GOP would give the decision instead to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which regulates pipelines, in the hope of taking the politics out of it.

For their part, Democrats had broader objections to the project, making clear they oppose the pipeline in part because they don’t like the country’s dependence on oil.

Some Democrats, though, criticized the delay. Rep. Elliot Engel, D-N.Y., noted he voted against the Alaska pipeline for environmental reasons. “But we can’t just keep saying no to everything and then complain that gasoline is $4 a gallon and that we’re beholden to Hugo Chavez and the Saudi Royal family,” he says. “I think we have to have a little bit of a balance. I was disappointed in the administration’s pushing back of this deadline because I think it’s time to make a move one way or the other.”

We all know what the issues are and we can make a decision, he continued, saying “delaying it doesn’t benefit anybody.”


Alright my take on this is greasy palm sets the stage.  Do we Americans enjoy paying the Saudis $4.00/gallon for gas?  (Republicans argue the administration ducked a final decision because it wanted to avoid angering part of the president’s political base.)  Hmmm could this possibly be true? 

Where does greasing the palms of politicians stop?  What happened to the good of the people?  Granted this is a Union, but truly jobs need to be created for our citizens.  This by the way creating the pipeline has been around since our former President George W. Bush, who by the way was for it.  Why do we want to remain a prisoner to the Middle East?  America needs to take care of its own!  Let’s find resources of our own. 

I say, “Let’s not let the greasy palm politicians win anymore!”

Works Cited:  By Jim Angle FoxNews.com

Published December 02, 2011

By Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2011

Endangered Species

Leaping Lizards, Holy Cow, Rat Race gees what’s next?  The Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition asking the U.S. to put this lizard on the endangered species list.

Fish and Wildlife Service to grant an endangered species listing for the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, which lives in the Permian Basin of West Texas. The Permian Basin is the most abundant oil-producing region in the lower 48 states and a vast sector of the Texas economy responsible for 68% of Texas’ production. The granting of an endangered listing for this little lizard would be a monumental economic disaster.
(WORK CITED: taken from article O A Online, written by Peggy Venable)

Other consequences would be devastating as well.  You can read that part of the article on your own.  My take on this is please, how much crazier can this society get? Do we really want to risk jobs and millions of dollars over a lizard?  I keep thinking I’ve heard it all, but I guess I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface. You know what’s next if you are a continuing reader of my blogs.  I’m going to throw in what the bible says.

Genesis 3:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”  So man has the authority to name, kill & eat animals.  God made John the Baptist & he ate locust.  Animal DOES NOT have dominion over us!

God killed the first animal and made clothing out of the animal skin for Adam and Eve to cover their nakedness.

Where do we draw the line?  What a lazy bunch of pathetic people we are that we never stand up for anything.  Please take a stand for something or continue to fall for anything!

Whether you are in Texas or any other state where an animal’s rights are infringing on our lifestyle or economy, please speak up!  Let your politicians know how you feel or better yet take your own poll and send it to them.

Terry Board

© Burnett Publishing 2010

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