Behold I Am Coming


It’s not about eggs, but about the excellent story.

It’s not about bunnies, but the honey from heaven.

It’s not about how fancy we can dress,

But how we can be clothed in His righteousness.

It’s not about all the food we can eat,

But the Bread that came from heaven.

It’s not about doing our own thing,

But It’s about freely giving because He has given.

He gave up so much for us.

He had a place of more. More than what we call paradise.

A place where there was NO pain and yet He endured the greatest.

A place where He was honored and praised

And then suddenly He was mocked and rejected and despised.

He could speak a word and have anything He wanted,

Yet, he gave it all up for us.

No one took His life.

He gave it freely.

Seeing ahead before it happened

He knew what it would be,

Yet, He chose to take it anyway.

There is something so overlooked this time of year.

During the Passover, before he was crucified,

Jesus did something so sweet,

He said to His disciples, family, and friends

“I will not drink from the fruit of the vine again,

until we are all together.”

He is waiting so patiently for His pure spotless Bride,

(The church, body of believers), to share in His grand celebration with Him.

Also, He is waiting as long as He can for any who would

Like to be a part of that celebration, by believing in what He did!

What’s the next step after “It is finished!” “Behold I am coming!”

By Terry Board written @ 7:38 4/08/12 (c) Burnett Publishing Company

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