Is Our Government Trying to Kill Us

The ENMOD Convention is specifically intended to prevent use of the environment as a means of warfare, by prohibiting the deliberate manipulation of natural processes that could produce phenomena such as hurricanes, tidal waves or changes in climate.  So, this is to let you know that ENMOD can’t be used as a weapon.  What they are not telling you is along the same lines as everything else they are doing to us.  They suffer no consequences and lie their tails off!  Just this statement tells you that weather can be modified!  DUH!  Weather Modification is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the weather. The most common form of weather modification is cloud seeding,

Read it for yourself:

“In the short span of fourteen years, preliminary results have been sufficient to cause both scientific elation and grave international concern. That brief period has witnessed tremendous progress, from the creation of a cloud and a “miniature snowstorm” in a home-type, deep-freeze unit to scientific experimentation and commercial cloud seeding operations in the earth’s atmosphere involving billions upon billions of cubic feet of air.

Under appropriate meteorological conditions, Western scientists have caused rain and snow by seeding supercooled clouds with dry ice. Tremendous “holes” in these clouds and supercooled fogs have also been created. And, in some cases, clouds have been completely dissipated by seeding them with dry ice in experimental tests.”  Taken from the above listed article, in US Naval Institute.

What about Chemical Trails?  Oh, excuse me, that is not real?  Excuse me but it is and there is science to back it up. 

Regular contrails are the result of exhaust being released from engine turbines as a plane flies. Typically they are white in color and can be seen a short distance behind the plane as it passes, dissipating after about 10 seconds or so.

Chemtrails, on the other hand, come from specific planes designed to spray a particular mix of chemicals into the air in an attempt to modify the earth’s upper climate. Typically these types of trails can appear white, smoky, or even brown. They last in the sky for hours and spread wider and wider as time goes on.

As we will discuss below, the chemical compositions of these two types of trails are vastly different, with one being quite dangerous to human health and the environment.  Taken from the article below:

Read “Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project” by Peter A Kirby

Lyndon B Johnson was heard to have said, “Whoever controls the Weather controls the world.”   

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” — Henry Kissinger

These evil people have for many years been controlling all these things and they are still trying to control the world!  These are all people from the “Deep State”!  They are doing so many despicable and horrifying things that are unbelievable!  I could go on and on, but it would take a lifetime to unravel.   Take what happened in Maui, now Hurricane Helene and Milton. 

You do your own research.  It is up to you to find the truth if you can’t believe what I am saying!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company 2024

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