
Liberation Day

January 20, 2025

As I awoke this morning I felt the sense of joy, calm and rejuvenation!   Our President Donald J Trump has been sworn in as the 47th President of the Unites States of America.  J D Vance was sworn in as our Vice President! 

I begin to sing Oh Happy Day!  The atmosphere changed in America and around the world.  These are God’s chosen men for such a time as this.  They bring a sense of protection and help to us.  Having a young man in the office of Vice President is very refreshing.  Seeing his and Usha’s little children was such a sweet blessing!

Trump is definitely the people’s President!  We feel a part of his family.  Such a loving family!  The fullness of elegance, peace and love emanates from each one of them.  President Trump is a Lion and a Lamb!

Despite all the sound troubles and rushing of Chief Justice John Roberts God showed up and showed off!  Nothing was going to stop what God had started!  No wonder so many people used the term Daddy’s home.  That is how we all felt!

I watched from sun up to late sundown and felt as though I spent the day with the Trump family.  If you didn’t feel the love and peace I feel very sorry for you!  You are so used to being brain washed that you can’t even feel the goodness of God was all over this day!

AND SO IT BEGINS:  the endless days of fixing all the horror that has been perpetrated on this country and the world for the past four years.  Trump fixed more in these few hours than the previous administration did in four long dreadful years.

This day will go down in history as our Liberation Day!

Hold on to your seats and get ready for such an out pouring of God’s grace and blessing to take place!

Thank you Mr. President for caring enough to Make America Great Again and choosing J D Vance to ride your coat tails and I hope and pray he follows in your footsteps and is elected President for two terms after your Presidency ends.

Hallelujah! Look what God did!

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company 2025

Throwaway Society


We live in a throwaway society.  People buy furniture and in a year they are tired of it and go out and buy new.  Had a car for two years oh well it is not new enough let’s get a new one.  My wife or husband, I don’t like the way they act, so it’s time for a new one.

What happened to restoration?  If people just put a new look to their already owned stuff we could save a lot of money in America.  It used to be that a girl learned to sew at an early age and making clothes was so much cheaper.  Now it cost more to make your own clothes. Not to mention you can hardly find cloth anymore to buy.

There would be no need for buying overseas goods.  Think of the money that could be saved.

Grab ahold of this and think … it all stems from the root of ungratefulness.  I know I sound like a broken record, but check out the bible.  The first chapter of Romans shows how ungratefulness can lead to immoral behavior and then to the downfall of society.

Also, there is a mentality of it’s too hard to make a relationship work.  It’s too hard to sew my own clothes.  People want instant gratification.  Then what happens?  The next gratification isn’t good enough so let’s move on to the next.

Let’s take a look at the word restoration:

restore vb (tr)

1. to return (something, esp a work of art or building) to an original or former condition

2. to bring back to health, good spirits, etc.

3. to return (something lost, stolen, etc.) to its owner

4. to reintroduce or re-enforce to restore discipline

5. to reconstruct (an extinct animal, former landscape, etc.)

[from Old French, from Latin r?staur?re to rebuild, from re- + -staur?re, as in instaur?re to renew]

re·store tr.v. re·stored, re·stor·ing, re·stores

1. To bring back into existence or use; reestablish: restore law and order.

2. To bring back to an original condition: restore a building. 

3. To put (someone) back in a former position: restore the emperor to the throne.

4. To make restitution of; give back: restore the stolen funds.

Leonardo Da Vinci’s LAST SUPPER had a major overhaul.  The candles over the years had given it a layer of soot that darkened it.  The new restoration made the WOW factor unbelievable.  People could hardly believe how bright and vibrant the colors became.

People can restore relationships, but it takes work.  Something this society doesn’t relish anymore.  I’d like to challenge people to begin to think about this, but Americans are too busy buying new things and having to overwork to pay for them to give a NEW well OLD idea a chance.

People used to sit outside at their homes and get to know their neighbors.  They would cross the street sit out on their porches talk and play games.  Now they are inside resting from their jobs, they have to pay for the NEW things they feel they need.

What is it going to take AMERICA a crashing down of our country to wake us up???

Works cited: The internet definition of restore; the free dictionary by Farlex

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing 2011

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