When You Set Out to Hurt

When you set out to hurt someone and you don’t feel anything wrong about it. I question where your heart is!  Why someone would do this intentionally?  The biggest culprit I can find in this is a dirty little word called JEALOUSY.   I am sure you have heard the saying “hurting people hurt people.”  It is absolutely true! 

This world is too short of a life span to hate, hurt, backbite, and even be angry with someone.  Even the Bible tells us to turn the other cheek when someone hurts us. 

The other side of this coin is you also hurt yourself.  I hate the word Karma, but if you are a believer in this then you have certainly racked up some points if you are practicing this!

Not to mention that sometimes the thing that bothers you is totally unfounded.  I bet if Robin Williams came back today he would tell you just drop it and don’t let it destroy you!  There are bigger fish to fry.

Everybody has problems in their lives it is how we choose to respond to them that controls who and what we are.  That person you think ignored you may not know what you are going through and if you are too proud to ask for help, then your cry doesn’t go to them through osmosis.  You may say this or that happened, but until you ask for help then you can’t blame them!  Now after you point-blank ask for help and they refuse then that is another story, but still, we are not to hate, hurt or destroy someone’s reputation!

Another thing that bothers me is those who cry the loudest are the ones doing the hurting and they don’t even see it.

If you constantly say, I’m too busy to help or visit you then you are not showing the love of Christ.  Christ calls for us to be surrendered to Him and if we are we will go the extra mile.  We will be the first even when we don’t feel like it.

Think of this the next time you set out to hurt, you may be the one who will ultimately pay the price.

By Terry Board © Burnett Publishing Company

November 4, 2021

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